Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Brian Hogg appeared on CBS 6 months ago, appears to be groomed by media

Intellihub   "In what can only be described as outright strange, David Hogg, a survivor of the Florida mass shooting who has quickly risen to prominence as a mainstream media promoted anti-gun activist, actually appeared in a CBS Los Angeles news report six months ago!

"The CBS report featured Hogg as an apparent eyewitness and videographer of a shocking confrontation between Hogg, a lifeguard, and one of Hogg’s friends who is seen being harassed by the lifeguard over a seemingly minor infraction.

"Hogg is interviewed in the report and claimed that the entire issue was over his surfer friend resting a bodyboard on a beach trashcan." . . .

"Interestingly, now, just days after the horrific shooting, Hogg has “reconnected” with CBS for an anti-gun piece in which the survivors and the CBS reporters pushing their gun grabbing agenda took multiple smiling photos as if they were “rock stars” getting ready to do their next show."

The girl with the shaved head adopts an angry persona when on camera.

The smiling photo was taken down after The Gateway Pundit posted about it  . . .how strange it seemed that all parties looked so cheerful and enthusiastic in the wake of such a tragedy.

. . . These photos were taken over the weekend on the set of an interview taped for broadcast Monday morning. This means the students were only three or four days out from surviving a massacre in their school. In just a few days they have become celebrated heroes of the anti-Trump resistance and are acting and being feted like rock stars. In fact rock stars (or a pop star in this case) are reaching out to them, . . .

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