Monday, August 7, 2017

Star chamber* justice condemns Eric Bolling of Fox News without a trial

Peter Barry Chowka

"A system of sorts has been perfected to destroy the most effective conservative spokesmen on the Fox News Channel, and it operated with stunning efficiency over the last few days.  A marginal writer with a documented background as a high level political operative and fundraiser in left wing Democrat politics published an unsourced article at a far left Web site, HuffPost (formerly theHuffington Post). The article claimed that multiple anonymous sources supposedly confirmed to the writer that “several years ago” prominent Fox News channel (FNC) host and anchor Eric Bolling – who happens to be a strong supporter of President Donald Trump – texted a graphic, lewd photo of male genitalia to two or three of his FNC female colleagues." . . .

"The scribe responsible for the damaging article on Bolling uses the byline Yashar Ali. According to an article in the Cleveland Plain Dealer in 2016, his full name is Yashar Ali Hedayat. After a short career doing work behind the camera in Hollywood, Ali Hedayat – reportedly from a wealthy background in Illinois, according to the Plain Dealer – started working as a Democrat political operative. According to several mainstream sources, he reportedly raised between $100,000 and $150,000 for Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign. As an individual in recent years, the Federal Election Commission reports “Yashar Hedayat” contributed tens of thousands of dollars to Democrat political campaigns." . . .

. . . "This is pretty much the status quo now: A writer who hardly anyone had heard of publishes a 900 word article in a left wing website relying on exclusively anonymous sources alleging someone of prominence texted one lewd photo to two or three female colleagues several years ago. The details are scanty and the corroboration non-existent. And without a shred of evidence, that targeted individual is immediately taken off the air, has his name expunged from his company’s website, is smeared if not libeled in thousands of news articles including in foreign media, and is left to languish while a Democrat-dominated law firm “investigates” the “charges” against him – which will determine the accused’s fate." . . .

*Star Chamber: A former court of inquisitorial and criminal jurisdiction in England that sat without a jury and that became noted for its arbitrary methods and severe punishments, abolished 1641. Any tribunal, committee, or the like, which proceeds by arbitrary or unfair methods.

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